Our beloved Maggie Taylor departed this earthly life to live in God’s realm on November 21, 2019.  She touched our lives in so many ways as teacher, priest, counselor and friend – we will miss her beyond measure.  Thank you Mother Magnolia – you made a difference in our lives.  You are loved and will always be in our heart!

Listen to her sermons.

An Air Force brat, Maggie Taylor traveled extensively throughout the U.S. as well as Germany, Japan, and India.  As an adult, she lived in Taiwan for 15 years, and Asia is her lifelong passion. She received her undergraduate degree in religion from Colorado College because women were not yet ordained in the Episcopal church.  For five years she worked in youth and college ministry, then moving to Taiwan with her first husband where she continued in youth ministry, teaching, and cross-cultural training.  When she and her husband separated, she completed her M.A. in counseling at Fairfield University in Connecticut and returned to Taiwan for five more years.  In 1987, she went to General Seminary in New York City.  She served as Assistant to the Rector at Nativity, Huntsville, for four years, then was called to Birmingham as founding rector of Holy Apostles, Hoover.  She was there for 17 years and retired in 2011.  Her husband Charles, who died in 2013, was also a priest, and after retirement he supplied a number of times at St. Catherine’s.