There are many ways to be involved in the life of our parish. Scroll down to find out more information about the various ministries and groups that St. Catherine’s has to offer. When you find the one you’re interested in, please contact our parish administrator, Julie Seal.

Join the Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is the ministry of preparing the sanctuary for worship and is done largely “behind the scenes” by members who are faithfully on duty at the altar year round. The duties of the Guild involve the preparation of the sanctuary for Eucharist on Sundays, Wednesdays, feast days, and other special occasions, including weddings, funerals, and baptisms. Altar Guild members provide setup and cleanup for services throughout the week. The Altar Guild also cares for the linens and vessels used in the Eucharist, as well as brass furnishings, altar frontals, vestments, and other liturgical garments.

Assist in Worship

There are many ways to serve in worship on Sunday mornings. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist at the Altar by serving as chalice bearers during the administration of Holy Communion. Lectors read the lessons from Holy Scripture that are appointed for the day. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People, and Greeters serve as ushers for the day and assist in welcoming visitors and newcomers.

Join the Men’s Breakfast Group

The Men’s Breakfast Group at St. Catherine’s meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 am until 10:30 am. There is a sign-up sheet in the Annex if you would like to volunteer to provide breakfast throughout the year.

Sing in the Adult Choir

The Adult Choir helps lead the congregation in singing hymns and sung portions of the liturgy on Sundays during the 10:30 service. In addition, the Choir sings for various special services throughout the year. Regular weekly rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the Choir Room.

Participate in Outreach

The Outreach Committee at St. Catherine’s responds to the needs of those in our community and the world, and there are a variety of opportunities to help. For more information about our outreach ministries, visit our Service and Outreach page.

Assist with Special Events

At St. Catherine’s, we love to celebrate special occasions, and our Parish Life Committee is responsible for planning those events.

Host a Coffee Hour

We are always looking for individuals and families to help host Coffee Hour after the 10:30 service on Sundays. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, there is a sign-up sheet located in the parish hall.

Donate Flowers for Worship

If you would like to make a special contribution for flowers at the Altar on Sunday mornings, there is a sign-up sheet located in the parish hall.  Donations may be made in the form of a memorial or thank offering, which will appear in the weekly service bulletin on the designated Sunday.

Help with the Community Garden

The Chelsea Community Garden was established to provide a place for members of the community to garden organically. Work groups meet periodically throughout the year to do things like raise fences, spread mulch, clear under brush, and work on irrigation. Those who use the garden are encouraged to donate extra produce to the Beans and Rice outreach ministry at St. Catherine’s.